BeyondMediaGR & Socility
BeyondEducation SMS School Management System, developed by BeyondMediaGR and Socility, enhances communication between students, teachers, parents, and staff through dedicated user portals. This ensures consistent engagement with all stakeholders, supporting every student's academic success.
Install the System
Follow the setup wizard and enter basic school
Now you can control your school through BeyondEducation SMS
Take Full Control With All Features
Manage All Activities Almost All Feutures.
Manage Students And Acadmies Activities
Trace Students Fees Expenses all at a Place
Manage all Fronts office relative Activities
Collaborate With School Teacher, Activities at All.
Panel for parents to monitor students performance
Manage library books, Generate library cards, Issue books to students and more..
Create classes, section in a school
Add different types of subjects
Add and distribute study materials to classes
Take date-wise attendance of students
Create and display timetable for classes
Display recent notices using widget
Receive online payment using payment gateway
Display admission inquiry form on a page
Display student login form on a page
Separate dashboard for students
Manage student records sessions wise
Create exams and publish exam time table
Create custom roles, assign permissions
Assign admins to manage the school
Add school staff with permissions
Add school teacher to manage students
Manage fees, expense and income
Add new admissions to a class
Promote student from one class to another
Transfer student from one school to another
Generate fee invoices in bulk
Add expense categories & date-wise expense
Add income categories & date-wise income
Collect payment offline and online
Add exams, exam papers, timings, date and center
Enhancing performance and security
Generate and publish exam admit cards
Add and publish exam results
PayPal is the safer way to make an online payment
Online payment processing for internet businesses
School logo, name, address, phone, email
Twilio, Nexmo, MsgClub, SMS Striker, Point SMS, Msg91
© 2024 Beyond Media GR & Socility. All rights reserved.